Your relationship with your body & mind is personal.

We want to honor where you’ve been AND focus on where you’re going.

From a young age, Christie was gifted with a strong sense of intuition and divine wisdom, that often did her more harm than good before she understood how to manage it. She had a seemingly normal childhood, that was disrupted in middle school when she started to expereince trauma. From a young age I’ve always been very journey of has been a struggle of disordered eating, ADHD, unmanaged/unhealed trauma, anxiety, chronic depression, and shame.

I started personal training in 2018 after falling in love with the bodybuilding lifestyle that I had created for myself as a means to get myself & my body into a healthier place.

But let’s backtrack a little — and connect some dots, without taking up too much of your precious time & energy!

Every comeback story starts with a rockbottom. My first “rockbottom” came when I was 19, back in 2013. And wow, do I wish I could say that was when I completely turned my life around, but it didn’t quite yet. It was however, the first time I believed in a light at the end of the the darkness that surrounded me.

My relationships were surface level because I was so disconnected and numb, I was destroying my body with alcohol, nicotine, and substances, I was hospitalized twice and developed an autoimmune reaction.

By 23, I remember having my first panic attack over whether I was actually going to have a chance at living a vital life or die young. I had been silently telling myself that “I was probably next” when friends of mine had passed away.

That moment made me take my physical health into my hands — which turned into a deeper spiritual journey that evolved into a process of self-healing and discovery.

As I have evolved, so has my practice. What once started as strictly fitness & nutrition programming as grown into a full phyiscal, mental, and spiritual transformation for my clients.

As I am writing this in 2022, 4 years later — the program I offer is tailored to wherever you are at in your journey. Whether you are trying to lose body fat, get your health in check, get healthy pre-baby, or align yourself to your ideal self… that’s what I’m here :)

1000+ client hours trained, hundreds of pounds lost, and countless lives changed!